Friday, June 28, 2013

Too bad I didn't drink last night said no one ever

I didn't drink last night. I thought I might succumb to the red wine I brought on vacation "just in case". Just in case of what exactly?? Some crazy emergency that can only be solved with a good merlot? I have one fucked up thought process. If my goal is to not drink then why bring wine? I have no answer.

Last night my hubs and I sat with the kids and played UNO and Bananagrams for a couple of hours. It was really nice to enjoy the family time without alcohol. It's weird, when I imagine my upcoming evening I always think that regardless of what we have planned it'll be a bit more fun with a buzz. As I sit here on the other side of the evening, having not had any booze I am thankful that I chose not to drink. I am never sorry that I didn't drink. I never think " Man, that was fun, but it could have been so much better if I was drunk and didn't remember half of it! i sure wish i had a mild alcohol related headache right now." Yep, nope I never think that.

Today is Day 6. I am still kicking around the question of how severe my problem really is. I know this is dangerous territory, but I also think it is normal. At this point I don't know if I will never drink again, I just know I will try not to drink today.

Oh and the disturbing pain under my rib cage on the right side has improved. Still there a bit, but improved. I'm guessing that is a liver issue. Awesome.

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