I don't think my "experiment" worked. Scratch that - that is a very non-commital sentence. What I should say is - My experiment did not work. Pretty scary making a definitive statement about drinking. I better be careful here or just might form a conclusion that I don't like about this process (and when I say "don't like" it's not that it is wrong, it's just that I don't want to face it). I bought a bottle of vodka and a bottle of kahlua about a week ago (6/30) and as of last night the bottle of vodka is gone. I drank Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Pretty much the same old pattern about 5 nights a week. I probably drank a little less than I had been, but not significantly less. So, once again I am out of vodka and ready to stop drinking. I have read blogs and posts and I knew going in to it that I was probably wrong - that I don't really have the capacity to drink normally, but hey, who am I to learn from other's experience? No way, man - I gotta find out just how wrong I am all on my own.
I feel like I should be able to do this easier. I don't know why I feel that way. Everything I read says this isn't easy. But, you know, I am special, that stuff doesn't apply to me. Right...wrong...
So, here I am Day 1. Do I want to drink? No, not really. I just still want the option. I have always been someone who bristles when the discusssions turn to "rules". As an adult I want to make my own decisions, I want to have all my options out in front of me. I don't want to feel like there is something I can't do. It just bothers me that I can't control this situation and the only option is to remove the choice. I don't like it. Okay, whiney time is over, well for today anyway.
I can totally relate to this one too. I like options. For now, what's working for me is the option to not drink and not saying forever, but for right now. I can tell you committing to the 100 days was life changing regardless if I choose to drink going forward or not. There was a shift, and it was truly a blessing to push through the struggles and frustration, and it did get easier. It's not whining, it's just real. tammy
ReplyDeleteAnd hey.... my blog is over here http://soberbychoice.wordpress.com/ if my journey helps at all :)
ReplyDeleteThank you - I will definetly check out your blog!